Monday, November 2

Blog Bubble

This weekend I realized that the blog world is quite the little bubble. Considering I saw my costume idea on a few different blogs I thought for sure there would be more than one Little Edie running around or that at least one person would know who I was. Nope. I was the only Little Edie of the bunch (in three different bars no less). Sometimes we bloggers are so overexposed to the same thing that we think everybody is going to think it's overdone when in fact we are just in our own little world. So next time you don't want to do something because you have seen it all over the (blog)place remember that there is a big, ol' world out there that doesn't have a google reader full of updates and will think you are totally original (or totally weird).

I hope you all had a great Halloween. Did you dress up??


  1. you make a beautiful little edie!

  2. Hear hear. This is what I tell myself when I hear someone insist mustaches, cupcakes, cowboy boys, mason jars, (other blog trend, etc) are over. preferences are preferences, people, and blog world is not the same as real world ;)

  3. That is a really good point. I definitely feel like there are many 'overdone' things posted on the net and the blogosphere. I personally didn't dress up but went trick or treating with my 6 month old niece who was a fairy princess and my 2 year old nephew who was a pirate. My teenager went to a party as Pippi Longstocking. :)

  4. i keep showing this movie to my friends and none of them care for it.. bummer. i went as a mime but your costume is damn cute!
