Tuesday, October 7

milk eggs chocolate, oh my

So in our house October is horror movie month. It is also yummy apple and butternut squash and pumpkin recipe month being the relocated east coasters that we are. I got this recipe for a Butternut Squash pie from ///milk eggs chocolate/// (the foodie blog of the incredible and creative Alyson). I'm a dummy and didn't read the comments section before going shopping (if I had I would have found out where to buy a can of butternut squash) and had to get pumpkin instead. Even with the subsitute it was so amazingly yummy. Seriously, coming from a girl who has a daily craving for dark chocolate this was one of the best things I have ever had for dessert. Captain McCool made a delicious turkey loaf with butternut squash and asparagus for dinner. It was phenomenal. He is definitely the master chef in the house (but I'm the master baker, ha ha!).
{photo from Martha Stewart}


  1. Mmmmmm....squash pie is my favorite! That's what I have for my birthday instead of cake. I typically use fresh squash in my pies. The squash can be cooked ahead and kept in a ziploc in the freezer for pie anytime! Butternut squash can be tough to peel and chop, so I keep oven mitts on my hands to cushion them while I'm pushing the knife through.

  2. Sounds great! October is horror movie month in our house too. We love us some zombies!
